Blogging to GROW Your Business
Your new website was built on the foundation of your business vision. Now it’s time to make sure you’re getting all of the results you want! It’s time to drive traffic, increase sales and grow visibility with your new website!
Websites are truly a unique marketing tool when you provide your potential customers/clients with quality, and useful, information.
Using a Blog to Help Grow Your Business
There are a variety of ways that your new website can assist in bringing in new business. One way is to offer special discounts and coupons to your website visitors.
Another way to drive traffic to your websites is by having a blog. There’s a strong case to be made in favor of having a blog on your website; SEO and web traffic being the top two reasons. In addition, your blog posts can include a “Call-to-Action” at the end of your articles. Your Call-to-Action can be a “Contact Us” button, a “Sign Up” box for your newsletter, or anything that requires your reader to take action.
When writing articles for your blog, keep SEO in mind, but don’t write for the search engines — write for your customers, clients… and potential new customers or clients! Be concise and let people know “what’s in it for them.” Focus on your audience. Put yourself in the their shoes and focus on the key benefits of your product or service up front (“above the fold” on the web page) so that’s the first thing they see when they lan
Benefits of Business Blogging
- On average, company blogs generate 55% more website visitors, 97% more inbound links, and 434% more indexed pages.
- 69% of businesses attribute their lead generation success to blogging. (HubSpot ROI Study)
- 57% of businesses have acquired a customer through their company blog.
- US internet users spend 3X more time on blogs and social networks than in email. (The Nielsen Company)
- Inbound marketing (i.e.blogging, social media) costs 62% less per lead than outbound (i.e. paid advertising, trades hows, email blasts, etc. ) marketing.
How Often Should You Post on Your Blog?
To determine just how often you should be posting new articles, do a Google search on your competitors. See if their organic search results take you over to a blog post on their website. How often are they posting on their sites? Once a week? Twice a week? Every day? Whatever your competitors are doing on their blogs, you need to outperform them.
If your competitors are blogging once a week, that may be something you can do, too. Your blog posts don’t need to be thousands of words in length, but they need to be longer than 300 words. If your competitors are blogging much more frequently than once a week, then chances are they’ve hired someone to write blog posts.
Regardless of how often you post, you need to consider search engine optimization (SEO). Using the right keywords, and long-tail keywords (longer and more specific keyword phrases that visitors are more likely to use when they’re searching; or when they’re using voice search. On-page SEO helps your site show up higher in search results. Volumes have been written about SEO, so I’ll leave this topic alone for now.

Blogging Tips
If you hold specialized knowledge in your field why not share this information online and bring targeted traffic to your site? Regardless of the type of business you run, you have information that can contribute to the education of the marketplace. The question you need to ask yourself is, “How can I get that information out there?” If you would like to add short bits of information, or keep your clients up to date on a regular
If you’re struggling to come up with a topic to write about, pick a person! You talk to your clients and customers on a daily basis; answering questions, comments and concerns. Chances are that what you’re saying to them in person may be of benefit to some, if not all, of your target audience.
Another source of inspiration for your blog post is your own email. How often do you answer the same questions in email? Or you lacked the time to give an in-depth reply to a question? Whenever you find yourself short on time copy the email along with your truncated reply into a blog post, then put it in Draft mode. You can go back and expand on it, and include an image (images are important, and should also include SEO in the alt tags) when time permits.
Share industry news, your views, tips, and links to your other related articles. Blog about any special offer you may have going on, or give away something of value such as a free eBook.
Every time you put up a new article on your blog you create another opportunity for someone to find your website, even if by accidentally stumbling upon it while searching for general information on a related topic.
Blogging is one of the most important factors in getting found in search results. If you want to see any improvement in organic search results, you will need to put up fresh content on a regular and consistent basis. Search engines will return to sites based on the quality of the content and the frequency at which the site is being updated with new content.
Aside from the obvious SEO benefits, posting on your business blog on a regular basis shows your customers and clients that you’re keeping up with current trends in your industry, which brings value to the table. It also keeps your site relevant in the eyes of Google.
In summary, if you want to attract more customers to your website and increase sales, then try using a blog.
What About AFTER Your Website Goes Live?
For business owners, a website is one of the most important aspects of doing business online. It’s everything. But what about maintenance? What about upkeep? Don’t worry – I’ve got you covered. With our WordPress Maintenance Plans, we take care of everything for you!